We will be celebrating our annual teacher & staff appreciation week the second week in May. This year the theme is SUPERHERO! Below is an itinerary of weekly events along with a suggestion of ways you can contribute to the fun of showering our teachers and staff with the appreciation they deserve!
MONDAY:  SUPER TEACHER DAY MONDAY Have your student bring their Super/Flower Handout to school to be put on display for their teacher! 
TUESDAY: TOO SWEET TUESDAY Have your student bring their teacher their favorite candy or flower and give it to them today
 WEDNESDAY: SUPER SIDEKICK WEDNESDAY Have your student wear their teacher's favorite color.
THURSDAY: HERCULES THURSDAY Have your student high five any teacher they see in the hallways all day long! 
FRIDAY:  SUPERHERO FRIDAY Have your student dress up in their favorite superhero t-shirt.
* The ideas above are all optional suggestions to participate in the daily themes/activities. If you have other ideas or would like to show your appreciation to teachers and staff in different ways - please feel free! We can't wait for all the fun to begin!