Occoquan's Essentials


The New 30 Essentials

  1. We are family.
  2. Always use respectful gestures, words, and actions.
  3. Learn teachers' names and greet them by their name when you see them. Greet visitors and make them feel welcome.
  4. When responding to any adult you must answer respectfully by saying “Yes, ma’am” or “No, Sir” or “Yes, Ms. _________.” Just nodding your head or saying “yeah” or “no” is not respectful or acceptable.
  5. When you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth with the inside of your elbow. When you burp, turn your head away from others and cover your mouth.  Afterward, say, "Excuse me."
  6. When you receive something, say thank you. Do not insult the gift or giver.
  7. Respect other students' comments, opinions, and ideas.
  8. Earn a reward, do not ask for it or expect it. Congratulate others who have earned it, especially when someone earns tribal points.
  9. Show good sportsmanship! When someone does something well or wins, congratulate that person. If you win, celebrate but do not brag. If you lose, do not show anger, and be sure to congratulate the winner.
  10. Surprise others by performing random acts of kindness.
  11. Make eye contact and TRACK the speaker.
  12. Follow directions when they are given; ask questions if you do not understand or need help.
  13. Do all assignments (including studying) to the best of your ability. Ask questions if you need help or do not understand.
  14. Keep all materials neat and organized. Use all materials (including technology!) responsibly and correctly.
  15. Stand to answer questions in the classroom and answer all questions in a complete sentence.
  16. Transitions should be quick, quiet, and orderly.
  17. Hold the door for people rather than letting it close on them.
  18. When walking in the hallway stay to the right side, be silent, and keep your hands and feet to yourself. Do not cut in line.
  19.  If someone bumps into you, say “Excuse me,” even if it was not your fault.
  20.  Follow all expectations at all times - whether in your classroom, Encore, bathrooms, hallway, cafeteria, bus, recess, or anywhere in the school.
  21.  When a substitute or guest teacher is present, we expect your BEST behavior!
  22.  When using the bathroom, clean up after yourself.
  23.  Be responsible for your trash. If you see trash, pick it up and throw it out. Keep our school clean.
  24.  When in the cafeteria, be respectful to staff and students. Stay in your seat and use a quiet voice. If you need something, patiently raise your hand and WAIT for assistance. Follow any directions you are given.
  25.  During an assembly, track the speaker and follow their directions.
  26.  On a field trip, enter the location quietly and be respectful. Wear your tribal shirt.
  27.  Riding the bus is a privilege, not a right. Your BEST behavior is expected on the bus.
  28.  Tell an adult immediately if someone is doing or saying something unsafe or hurtful to you, themselves, or someone else.
  29.  Everyone makes mistakes. Learn from them and have the courage to keep trying.
  30. Respect yourself and all our differences, individually you are important and unique, together we make Occoquan THE BEST SCHOOL!