Occoquan School's History

Occoquan Elementary School has a rich history, originating as a multi-age school. Click below to read more!


Occoquan Elementary School is named after the town of Occoquan, which is located on the banks of the Occoquan River.  The word Occoquan is from an Algonquian Doeg word meaning "at the end of the water".  The area that is Occoquan today was long occupied by the Indigenous People.  Even though the Doeg Tribe split up into several sections across Virginia, they were still one Village of people.  So, we here at Occoquan Elementary School try to embrace this legacy with all of our students in helping them understand that even though we may live in or come from different parts of the world, we are still able to be united as one.  Hence, the 4 Tribes, 1 Village mentality we embrace at the school.